Metal Stampings
The Buying Edge
New England Precision, Inc. has a leading advantage over other tool and stamping companies by purchasing 2-3 million pounds of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, high performance nickel alloys and other specialty metals every year. This affords us highly competitive fabrication charges by qualified leading mills. This buying power is significant because the cost of metal stampings is in the material cost.
We pride ourselves on the ability to offer exceptional and innovative pricing programs. Your options include price/date of order, or firm fixed prices up to two years forward. We also entertain inventory stocking programs for those firms requesting just-in-time inventory levels. This includes stocking levels at our facility as well as off-site, vendor managed inventory. We are happy to fulfill any documentation requirements in order to qualify our products for ship to stock status, eliminating incoming inspections at your location.
Stamping Capability
At New England Precision, versatility and flexibility are the key components utilized to skillfully produce all our parts with maximum accuracy and the longest tool life available. We offer press range capabilities from 18 tons to 280 tons, with combined speed ranges. Our sophisticated, well designed in-house systems of production allow us to expertly maintain and protect the high cost of tooling, which is critical in today’s marketplace.
In-House Tool and Die
Maintaining a tool and die facility in-house is crucial to today’s competitiveness in the stamping industry. With no dies in need of being sent out, New England Precision, Inc. is equipped to systematically tackle any troubleshooting first-hand and in the least amount of time, thus allowing for our continual success in getting product to our customers in the least amount of time.
Mission Statement
NEP’s mission is to successfully develop the necessary technology to design and build progressive tooling at the forefront of industrial demands. The tooling will be utilized along with material from qualified suppliers in an efficient systematic production facility to produce high quality stamped products.
The products will be sold to a diverse group of successful customers. Their loyalty will be earned by exceeding their expectation with quality and service. Partnerships will be formed with growth, opportunity and prosperity for our customers, our people and our community.

New England Precision Inc.
281 Beanville Road
Randolph, Vermont 05060
© New England Precision Inc.
All rights reserved.
Site development: D2PWebDesign.